

1. Preliminary provisions

1.1. Parties

In these terms and conditions, "Sure soccer tips" means www.suresoccertips.com and "User" means you as the user of Sure soccer tips online platform (the "Platform").

These terms and conditions ("Terms") establish the mutual rights and obligations between Sure soccer tips and the User when using the Platform.

1.2. Application of Terms

By accessing or using the Platform, User agrees to be bound by these Terms, regardless of whether User is a registered or non-registered user. If the User is a registered user of the Platform these Terms will apply in their entirety while for non-registered users, only clauses 1, 2, and 11 of these Terms will apply. Either way, Sure soccer tips strongly encourages Users to acquaint themselves with the Terms.

The latest update ot these Terms: Thu Apr 25 2024.

2. Platform content

2.1. Sure soccer tips's service

The Platform provides soccer tips via webpage (www.suresoccertips.com) and mobile app. The Soccer tips are generated from past statistics and presented as probabilty of the current outcome. Sure soccer tips aims to maintain updated and accurate content on the Platform, but Sure soccer tips cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy. It is recommended that User verifies information from the Platform with original and alternative sources. User's reliance on the Platform's results and information is at his/her own discretion. Content on the Platform may vary based on regional, linguistic, or other factors, incorporating both Sure soccer tips's material and third-party content.

2.2. Sure soccer tips is not responsible for User's use of the Platform

Sure soccer tips strives to provide the Platform and its contents diligently and competently as per these Terms. However, User's decision to use the Platform, its features, software, and information is solely at his/her own risk for personal use only. The Platform is not to be utilized for any commercial endeavors.

2.3. User Registration and Premium Content

Sure soccer tips necessitates registration for accessing specific sections or features of the Platform. Registration might be contingent upon meeting a particular age requirement. Failure to register could restrict User's access to certain content, and the functionality of the Platform may be diminished. Additionally, access to particular features or content may be contingent upon payment of a fee.

2.4. Third party content

The Platform may feature third-party content sourced externally, for which Sure soccer tips holds no responsibility. Such content, indicated by an appropriate logo, icon, or other identifier, is not hosted on Sure soccer tips's servers and is not created or uploaded by Sure soccer tips. Sure soccer tips explicitly disclaims liability for third-party content, its availability, or accuracy.

2.5. Local law

It is recommended that User adheres to the relevant laws of the country where User is currently residing, temporarily or permanently, or where User holds citizenship.

2.6. Intellectual property

The texts, photographs, graphic designs, and other components found on the Platform may be subject to copyright protection individually and/or collectively (referred to herein as the "Copyright content"). Unless specifically agreed upon in writing with Sure soccer tips or with the owners of the Copyright content, fair use of these materials, especially if they are third-party content, is limited to the extent and manner permitted by applicable law. Specifically, the reproduction (copying) of Copyright content for direct or indirect economic gain, as well as their distribution, rental, display, or communication to the public (including online communication) is prohibited without Sure soccer tips's explicit consent.

2.6.1. Specific content within the Platform

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, Sure soccer tips's graphics, statistics, statistical analyses and similar content can be shared by the User when such possibility is enabled and provided through the Platform itself. Additionally, content from the Platform can be shared via social media or other communication channels, only if it complies with these Terms, serves the purpose of the Platform and does not constitute a violation of Sure soccer tips's name and reputation.

2.7. Copyright and trademark infringement

Violation of copyright, trademark rights, or the special rights of the database provider may lead to civil, administrative, or criminal consequences.

2.8. Database security

The materials within the Platform's database ("Database Content") are safeguarded by a unique right granted to the database provider. Without prior written agreement with Sure soccer tips, the Database Content may only be legally utilized as permitted by applicable law. Specifically, no extraction (copying) or utilization (public availability) of Database Content, or a significant portion thereof, is allowed without Sure soccer tips's explicit consent.

2.9. Unauthorized disruption

The User is prohibited from disrupting Sure soccer tips's operations, compromising internet security, or interfering with other users. Burdening Sure soccer tips's server with automated requests or assisting others in doing so is strictly prohibited. Modifying, disassembling, or reverse-engineering the website is not allowed unless permitted by law. Using website content through embedding, aggregating, scraping, or reproducing without explicit consent is prohibited, except as permitted by law.

2.10. Advertisement presentation

User consents to the display of advertisements, including third-party advertising, on the Platform.

2.11. Gambling connection

User's use of the Platform involves inherent risks which User assumes. The Platform is not for gaming or gambling purposes. Sure soccer tips does not provide gaming services, manage finances, or engage in gambling transactions. Betting odds are for informational purposes only. Information on the Platform isn't an endorsement for gaming or betting, nor does it offer legal or tax advice on such matters.

3. Service agreement

3.1. Registration

Sure soccer tips only allows third-party registration (for example, a social network registration), by which User may send Sure soccer tips a proposal to conclude a service agreement by clicking on the relevant button with the logo, trademark or service name of the third party. Following the delivery of the proposal for the conclusion of a service agreement according to the aforementioned to Sure soccer tips, User will be allowed to use the service. By allowing User to use the service, the service agreement is concluded.

3.2. Costs

User agrees to using remote communication methods to enter the service agreement. Any costs incurred, such as internet connection fees, are User's responsibility and should not exceed standard communication rates.

4. Content of the service agreement

4.1. Subject matter of the agreement

According to the service agreement, User will have access to the Platform's services, including registered content and features. Some features or content may require payment, meeting age requirements, a stable internet connection, or using a supported device operating system version.

4.2. Contents and language of the agreement

The Terms form an integral part of the service agreement. The service agreement is concluded in the English language.

5. User profile

5.1. Protection

Access to the user profile is protected by an email and token received by Sure soccer tips's third-party registration provider (Google/Facebook/Apple). By agreeing to this, User also consents to the use of his/hers login credentials for accessing other websites operated by Sure soccer tips or any affiliated entities. User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information required to access User's user profile and acknowledge that Sure soccer tips is not liable for any breaches of this obligation on User's part.

5.2. Retention of rights

Sure soccer tips retains the right to restrict User access to User's user profile, especially in the event of any breaches of User's obligations under the Terms.

6. Terms of service

6.1. Change of service

Sure soccer tips reserves the right to periodically update and modify Sure soccer tips's Platform to align with alterations to Sure soccer tips's services, the evolving needs of Sure soccer tips's users, and Sure soccer tips's business priorities.

6.2. Inability to provide the service

Sure soccer tips may be unable to provide the service if it is hindered by difficulties on User's end or the end of any other party involved. Specifically, Sure soccer tips will not render the service in case of power outages, data network disruptions, or other failures caused by third parties or acts of nature.

6.3. Disruptions

Service disruptions, temporary constraints, interruptions, or degradation may arise during service provision. Data stored by User within the service might not be backed up by Sure soccer tips and could potentially become corrupted or degraded.

6.4. Quality of service limitation

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sure soccer tips disclaims liability for: (i) any malfunctions of the computer programs related to the Platform that Sure soccer tips provides, (ii) bugs or viruses leading to data loss, (iii) any damage to User's computer equipment, mobile phone, or other devices, as well as software, (iv) errors (including those in inputs, presented data, and results), and (v) any attempts by User to use the Platform in ways not intended by Sure soccer tips. Sure soccer tips reserves the sole discretion to suspend, modify, remove, and/or add to the Platform, as well as to suspend User's use of Sure soccer tips's Platform from time to time, to the extent permitted by law. Sure soccer tips shall not be held liable for any such actions.

6.5. Errors

User agrees to promptly notify Sure soccer tips upon discovering any inaccuracies regarding User's account on the Platform or any information displayed therein (including, but not limited to, miscalculations, misrepresentations, incorrect charges, fees, rake, bonuses, payouts, or any applicable currency conversions).

6.6. Limitation of liability

Sure soccer tips (including Sure soccer tips's officers, directors, agents, and employees) and Sure soccer tips's affiliates shall not be held liable to User, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages. These damages include, but are not limited to, loss of data, profits, revenue, business, opportunities, goodwill, reputation, or business interruption, or any losses not currently foreseeable by Sure soccer tips, arising out of the service agreement or User's use of the Platform.

6.7. Indemnification

The information presented on the Platform is provided "as is," and User agrees to indemnify Sure soccer tips against any liability concerning the Platform and its information. Despite the stipulations outlined in clause 6.5 above, Sure soccer tips's liability is restricted to the fullest extent allowed under applicable law.

7. Use of the service

7.1. Content personalization

User has the right to customize the service's content according to his/hers preferences, but solely within the parameters provided by the service itself.

7.2. Unsolicited promotions

In compliance with data protection, information security, and fraud prevention requirements, User is strictly prohibited from posting any information or contacting Sure soccer tips's users to offer or promote any offers, products, or services on the Platform.

7.3. Policy against fraud and harassment

Sure soccer tips maintains a zero-tolerance stance against inappropriate and fraudulent behavior on the Platform. Should Sure soccer tips determine, at Sure soccer tips's sole discretion, that User has engaged in any attempt to defraud Sure soccer tips and/or any other user of the Platform, specifically if User violates Article 8.2. of these Terms, Sure soccer tips reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate User's account and/or restrict User's access to the Platform for a specified or indefinite duration. Sure soccer tips shall not be held liable for any such actions to the extent permitted by applicable law.

8. Chat messages

8.1. Free communication

Sure soccer tips provides User with the opportunity for open communication via the chat message box, through which all users are free to comment on the results, players, course of the match and other related topics, provided that they adhere to these Terms, with which they will be notified upon their initial login to the chat message box.

8.2. Rules and restrictions

By using Sure soccer tips's chat message on the Platform, User agrees that he/she will not:

  • curse or use strong language,
  • insult and provoke others,
  • provide fake scores,
  • post advertisement and
  • engage in any form of discriminatory behavior or hate speech, etc.

8.3. Warnings and bans

Sure soccer tips reserve the right to warn and/or suspend User's access to the chat message box and/or the Platform and/or terminate User's account in the event that User acts contrary to these Terms.

9. Additional rights and responsibilities of the parties

9.1. User contact point

A contact point as per Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes), is available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/consumer-rights-and-complaints/resolve-your-consumer-complaint/european-consumer-centres-network-ecc-net_en.

9.2. Permission to conduct business

Sure soccer tips operates under a Croatian trade license and is a subject to oversight by Croatian authorities. Personal data protection oversight falls under the EU member state's supervisory authority where User resides, works, or where any alleged infringement occurs.

9.3. Defects complaints

The User's rights and obligations regarding Sure soccer tips's liability for service defects shall adhere to the pertinent, generally applicable law. User can assert his/hers rights stemming from Sure soccer tips's liability for service defects by reaching out to Sure soccer tips either at Sure soccer tips's registered office or via email using the contact address provided: support@suresoccertips.com (refer to clause 13.6).

9.4. Communication

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all communications concerning the service agreement shall be transmitted to the other party in written form via electronic mail. Additionally, service notifications to User will also be delivered electronically to the User's Address.

9.5. Complaints management

Sure soccer tips manages consumer complaints through an electronic address provided in the contact details: support@suresoccertips.com (refer to clause 13.6). Information regarding the resolution of User's complaint will be sent to the User's provided address.

9.6. Resolution of consumer disputes outside of court

A competent body for resolving consumer disputes arising from the service agreement outside of court can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.adr.show2. User may utilize the online dispute resolution platform at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr to address disputes between User and Sure soccer tips under the service agreement.

10. Data privacy

10.1. Information Regarding Personal Data Processing

Sure soccer tips meets its obligation to provide information as defined in Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR") through a dedicated document known as the ‘Privacy Policy".

10.2. Other applicable policies

These Terms shall be read and construed alongside Sure soccer tips's Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

11. Cookies

11.1. Consent management tool

Securing User's consent and furnishing User with details concerning the utilization of cookies within the Platform are managed via a specialized tool operated by a third party.

12. Duration of the service agreement

12.1. Withdrawal

Unless the agreement is non-refundable, as a consumer, User has the right to withdraw from the service agreement within fourteen (14) days of its conclusion. To exercise this right, User may utilize the model withdrawal form supplied by Sure soccer tips within the Annex No. 1 at the bottom of these Terms.

12.2. Effectiveness

The service agreement shall become effective upon execution. The service agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.

12.3. Termination

User may terminate the service agreement at any time by de facto deleting the User's profile. Users may also terminate the service agreement by requesting Sure soccer tips to delete User's personal data in accordance with the GDPR to the corresponding email address: support@suresoccertips.com (refer to clause 13.6).

12.4. Termination by Sure soccer tips

If User violates any obligations in the service agreement or legal regulations, Sure soccer tips reserves the right to terminate the agreement. Termination will be effective upon a deliverance of a message on the Platform through Sure soccer tips's third-party service provider. Unless stated otherwise, termination results in immediate cessation of the agreement. If User has any questions regarding termination, User may contact Sure soccer tips via email at: support@suresoccertips.com.

13. Final provisions

13.1. Governing law

The service agreement's legal framework shall adhere to the laws of the Republic of Croatia. However, the choice of Croatian law does not waive the rights granted to User by mandatory provisions of the legal system, which cannot be overridden by agreement and would typically apply in the absence of a choice of law, pursuant to Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I).

13.2. Jurisdiction of courts

User and Sure soccer tips have mutually consented to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in the Republic of Croatia.

13.3. Unilateral change of Terms

Sure soccer tips may amend these Terms unilaterally within legal bounds and for valid reasons. User will be notified of changes via email or on the Platform, with revisions taking effect no earlier than thirty (30) days after notification. User has the option to reject the changes and terminate the agreement before they take effect, subject to clause 13.4.

13.4. Consent to change of Terms

By accepting the updated Terms, the previous Terms are replaced, and the new Terms become part of the agreement. Modifications may also occur with User's explicit consent, integrating the new version into the agreement as of the relevant date. User can provide explicit consent through a dialog box on the Platform or other suitable means.

13.5. Accessibility

The service agreement, including the Terms, are archived by Sure soccer tips in electronic form and are not publicly accessible.

13.6. Sure soccer tips's contacts

Sure soccer tips's contact details are as follows: email address: support@suresoccertips.com

13.7. Assignment

User agrees that Sure soccer tips may assign the rights and obligations under the service agreement, in whole or in part, to any third party.